Slippers Keeping You Warm
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Whoever said that slippers are silly was wrong. These are probably my favorite set of shoes out of my entire shoe collection. Although they are only used at home or around my dorm room, they are the most comfortable shoes that I own. With their soft soles and inner lining, slippers keep your feet twice as warm than merely wearing socks. Even wool socks can't keep your feet as warm as slippers do.
There are many types of "slippers". I am not talking about the flip-flop type of sandles that many people wear, but I am talking about those warm fuzzy slippers that you can wear around with your jeans, pajama pants or even with a suit if you are just coming back from work.
-Fun Slippers-

Some slippers that are very prevelant around the dormitory are "fun slippers". These are shoes that are usually very fuzzy and have a type of mystical character or animal head propped on top of the slipper. There are monsters, monkeys, ladybugs - almost anything you can imagine. I have even seem someone walking around on an open banana peel! Although it is true that it seems that more girls enjoy finding "cute" or "funny" slippers, but once every blue moon you will run into a guy with a good sense of humor walking around with turtle slippers.
-Comfortable Slippers-
If you are more about comfort than style, these are the type of slippers that you probably have. You will see if you look closely, maybe about one in every ten slippers that you come across will be fun slippers. They are not all that common because the idea behind the slippers are to be original. However, if EVERYONE is original, then we are just all the same again.
Hahaha those are my slippers!! :-) They're waaaaarm
BTW they're Bumbles from the Rudolph Christmas special and Delia's used to sell them. They're really hard to find now.
I loooove fluffy slippers. I have them in baby blue.
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